Archive for Desember 2012
Legenda Asal Usul Para Kaisar-Kaisar Jepang
By : sannin FFF
Legenda Amaterasu [Dewi Matahari dalam Mitologi Jepang]

Nama lengkap dari Amaterasu adalah "Amaterasu-O-Mi-Kami," yang mungkin secara harfiah diterjemahkan sebagai "dia yang membuat surga bersinar". Dia juga dikenal sebagai Omikami ("illustrious goddess").
Amaterasu, dewi matahari Shinto, adalah yang paling penting dalam kumpulan dewa ajaran Shinto. Dia dianggap nenek moyang kaisar jepang dan merupakan yang paling dihormati di surga. Tapi dia bukanlah yang terkuat, dan pada kenyataannya, banyak cerita-cerita yang menggambarkan dirinya tampak sangat manusiawi, meskipun tentu saja, dalam skala ke-ilahian.
Spoiler untuk Amaterasu Statue:
Menurut mitologi Shinto dalam proses penciptaan, Amaterasu lahir ketika Izanagi yang kembali dari kegagalannya untuk menyelamatkan istrinya, Izanami dari Yomi (tanah kematian/underworld). Amaterasu dilahirkannya dari mata kirinya. Dan pada saat yang sama, saudara perempuannya, Dewi Bulan: Tsukiyomi (yang dalam beberapa cerita digambarkan sebagai pria) lahir dari mata kanannya dan yang bungsu, Susanoo (dewa Laut dan Badai), lahir dari hidungnya.
Izanagi (laki-laki) dan Izanami (perempuan) adalah dua dewa pertama yang diciptakan oleh Kunitokotachi dan Amenominakanushi, dua dari zōka-sanshin ("three kami/god/spirit of creation") yang menciptakan dan membentuk banyak pulau-pulau dan merupakan leluhur dari tanah Jepang.
Pembagian Kekuasaan dan Kecemburuan Antar Dewa
Izanagi kemudian memberikan Amaterasu manik-manik yang suci (Yasakani no Magatama) dan mengatakan kepadanya bahwa ia akan memerintah atas surga. Sedangkan saudaranya Susano-Wo akan memerintah atas laut.

Tapi Susanoo cemburu pada kakaknya dan mengatakan kepada ayahnya bahwa ia tidak menerimanya dan akan pergi ke Yomi untuk bergabung dengan ibunya, Izanami. Hal ini membuat Izanagi sangat marah. Ia mengusir Susanoo dari hadapan-nya. Susanoo kemudian pergi menemui kakaknya Amaterasu untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal, tapi Amaterasu menduga itu hanyalah trik dari Susanoo dan menyiapkan busur dan anak panah bersamanya. Susanoo meyakinkannya ia bermaksud baik dan memprotes kakaknya, tapi akhirnya dia tidak dapat menyembunyikan kecemburuannya. Dia menyarankan diadakannya kontes untuk melihat siapa yang lebih kuat. Siapapun yang dapat menciptakan lebih banyak dewa akan menjadi pemenang, kata Susanoo.
Amaterasu mulai dengan mematahkan pedang adiknya menjadi tiga potong dan memakannya. Ketika dia meludahkan potongan tersebut, kabut terbentuk di udara. Tiga dewi terbentuk dari kabut itu. Susanoo tidak terkesan. Dia mengambil manik-manik kakaknya dan menghancurkan mereka dengan giginya. Lima dewa laki-laki muncul. Susano-Wo merasa menang, tapi Amaterasu menolaknya dengan mengatakan bahwa kelima dewa itu datang dari perhiasannya, sedangkan pedang adiknya hanya memunculkan tiga dewan dan mereka semua perempuan.
Kemarahan Amaterasu
Susanoo mengamuk di seluruh bumi, mengklaim bahwa ia adalah pemenang kompetisi. Dia membanjiri sawah dan menyebabkan kerusakan besar. Dia bahkan mengotori kuil di mana panen padi akan dipersembahkan dan buang air besar di dalamnya. Akhirnya, ia mengambil kuda poni dan dikuliti hidup-hidup, kemudian binatang itu dilemparkan ke ruang suci di mana Amaterasu sedang menenun dengan pembantunya. Sangat malu dan marah, Amaterasu kemudian pergi masuk ke sebuah gua yang gelap, meninggalkan bumi dalam kegelapan dan ketidakseimbangan dan menolak untuk keluar lagi.
Dewa bumi akhirnya, memutuskan untuk mengelabui Amaterasu supaya muncul kembali sehingga dunia tidak lagi diliputi dengan kegelapan. Mereka menempatkan/menggantungkan Yata-no-Kagami, cermin suci yang dibuat oleh Ama-Tsu-Mara dan Ishi-Kori-Dome, di depan gua-nya, bersama dengan ayam yang berkokok sebelum fajar. Kemudian mereka meminta dewi Uzume untuk menari didepan gua. Uzume mulai dengan perlahan-lahan, tapi dengan cepat menemukan ritme-nya. Dewi agak gemuk ini begitu senang bahkan sampai melepaskan dan melempar semua pakaiannya dan menari liar, membuat semua yang melihatnya tertawa sangat keras. Amaterasu mendengar suara tawa dan bertanya-tanya apa yang sedang terjadi. Ketika ia tiba di mulut gua untuk menyelidiki, ia melihat bayangannya di cermin (Yata-no-Kagami). Penasaran, ia bertanya siapakah dewi indah yang indah itu. Para dewa yang lain mengatakan bahwa itu adalah penggantinya. Terpesona dengan kecantikannya sendiri, ia kemudian muncul perlahan-lahan untuk memeriksa-nya. Tajikawa dengan cepat menutup pintu masuk gua. Dunia akhirnya kembali diterangi oleh cahaya dan keseimbangan tercapai.

Ketikan muncul dari kegelapan, Amaterasu menunjukkan kepada orang-orang bagaimana menanam padi dan gandum, menenun, dan membudidayakan ulat sutera. Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa ia dan pembantunya menenun dan terus menenun kain dari alam semesta.
Sementara itu Susanoo, dihukum oleh para dewa lainnya. Jenggot dan kumisnya dipotong, kuku-kukunya dicabut, dan diusir dari surga. Dia kemudian pergi dan bertualang di bumi. Pada suatu ketika, ia membuh naga berkepala delapan (Yamata no Orochi), ketika mati ekornya berubah menjadi sebuah pedang. Ketika Susanooo bertobat dan mengahiri perseteruan dengan kakaknya, ia menyerahkan pedang ini kepada Amaterasu sebagai hadiah yang olehnya kemudian dinamai Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi ("Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven") atau nama lainnya, Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi ("Grasscutter Sword").
Kaisar kaisar Jepang Dipercaya Sebagai Keturunan Langsung Amaterasu
Amaterasu kemudian meminta putranya, Ame-No-Oshido-Mimi, untuk menguasai bumi. Namun putranya ini menolak karena menurutnya dunia sudah dipenuhi dengan kekacauan. Ia mengirim cucunya Ninigi-no-Mikoto ke dunia, dan dalam jangka waktu tiga tahun, ia berhasil menguasainya. Ninigi-no-Mikoto adalah nenek-moyang dari kekaisaran Jepang yang merupakan keturunan langsung dari Amaterasu.
YUI umumkan akan hiatus dari aktivitas bermusik
By : sannin FFF
Penyanyi sekaligus penulis lagu YUI mengumumkan pada official website-nya bahwa dirinya akan hiatus
sementara dari bermusik di akhir tahun nanti. Keputusannya ini pasti
akan membuat cemas banyak orang, tapi YUI menjelaskan bahwa rencananya
ini bukanlah suatu pertanda buruk. Dalam web-nya YUI menulis:
"Mungkin format kerjaku akan berubah, tapi aku ingin menjalani berbagai hal dengan enjoy melalui musik. Aku berharap kalian semua akan terus mendukungku di masa depan."
Seperti yang diberitakan, YUI juga mengungkapkan
bahwa dirinya ingin mencoba hal-hal yang baru dan akan terus meng-update online diary-nya.
[UPDATE] SCANDAL Umumkan Akan Kunjungi Indonesia
By : sannin FFF
Kabar gembira bagi para fans grup band SCANDAL.
Melalui akun resmi twitternya, mereka mengumumkan bahwa pada bulan Maret
2013 mendatang mereka akan menyambangi beberapa negara seperti
Singapura, Thailand, dan tentu saja Indonesia! Sejak dirilisnya dua
album mereka yang berjudul SCANDAL SHOW dan QUEENS ARE TRUMPS oleh
Sony Music Indonesia, penampilan SCANDAL di Indonesia menjadi salah
satu yang ditunggu-tunggu. Meskipun sampai saat ini informasi mengenai venue dan harga tiket konsernya belum ada, namun kesempatan ini jangan sampai dilewatkan oleh para fans SCANDAL di Indonesia.
Melaui akun twitter resmi Marygops, promotor yang pada bulan Mei lalu sukses membawa L'Arc~en~Ciel konser
di Jakarta ini akan menjadi promotor untuk konser SCANDAL bulan Maret
2013 mendatang. Konser SCANDAL tersebut akan diadakan di Lapangan Tennis
Indoor Senayan pada tanggal 13 Maret 2013. Mengenai harga tiketnya akan
diumumkan dalam beberapa hari ke depan.
Dragon Ball Kai dilanjutkan secara internasional
By : sannin FFF
Mayumi Tanaka, pengisi suara karakter Kuririn, telah mengumumkan
bahwa pengisi suara asli Jepang telah mengisi kembali rekaman dialog
baru untuk episode tambahan Dragon Ball Kai yang akan dirilis secara
internasional tetapi tidak akan disiarkan di televisi Jepang. Seperti
yang dikutip dari animenation, Dragon Ball Kai adalah versi
edit dari serial anime Dragon Ball Z tahun 1989-1996 yang berakhir
penayangannya pada bulan Maret 2011 setelah merangkum sekitar 70% dari
serial asli anime Dragon Ball Z.
© Bird Studio/Shueisha, Fuji TV, Toei Animation
yosuga no sora
By : sannin FFF
no Sora
Yosuga no Sora original visual novel cover |
18+ (PC)
December 5, 2008
Written by
Takashi Mikaze
Published by
Original run
May 26, 2010 – December 25, 2010
television series
Directed by
Original run
October 4, 2010 – December 20,
Yosuga no Sora (ヨスガノソラ?, lit. Sky of Connection) is a Japanese romance/drama
adult visual novel
developed by CUFFS ("Sphere"). The game was originally released for
Windows PC on December 5, 2008. It was adapted into a serialized manga and an anime TV series. A sequel/fan disk titled Haruka na Sora
was released later on October 24, 2009 which contains new and expanded
scenarios for several characters from the original game.
Tragically orphaned by an automobile
accident, the Kasugano twins travel to their grandparents' countryside
residence via railcar, hoping to reconstruct the shards of a shattered life.
With an uncertain future, Haruka Kasugano clings to memories of the past,
hoping to find the strength he needs to protect his ailing sister. With a
destiny irrevocably tied to that of another, Sora Kasugano clings to moments of
the present, drawing comfort and security from the company of her brother. Two
lonely souls so physically alike, yet spiritually divergent, unaware of the
challenges these conflicting expectations will unveil in the days to come.
Haruka Kasugano (春日野 悠 Kasugano
The protagonist of the series. With a gentle appearance and
slim profile, in many ways Haruka is the spitting image of his twin sister,
Sora. Personable and honest, he forges lasting friendships with remarkable
ease. Haruka copes with the loss of his parents with a stout heart, burdened
with the knowledge that the future of his delicate sister depends on him. As a
result, he has a tendency to dote on his sister and worry about her constantly.
He cannot swim. The Kasugano siblings are well regarded around the village, as
their grandmother was once a doctor there. The series depicts alternate 'what
if' storylines in which Haruka engages in romantic and sexual relationships
with the heroines of the story.
Sora Kasugano (春日野 穹 Kasugano
The main heroine of the series, she is a quiet, fragile and
reclusive girl, and fraternal twin sister to the main protagonist. Ill and
frail since birth, Sora was denied the sort of independent life that many take
for granted. Yet beneath Sora's angelic doll-like appearance lies a troublesome
personality that’s prone to withdrawn laziness and demonstrates a rather severe
lack of social graces. In all honesty, Sora doesn't care for anyone else, and
would much rather just surf the Internet and eat instant food, for as long as
Haruka is always by her side. Her strong bond with Haruka, strengthened as a
result of the tragic loss of their parents, leads her towards having fantasies
of incest between twins. She hates Nao, although it is implied that they were once
good friends. She is often seen carrying a rabbit doll, which she received as a
present from her mother before she and Haruka left for the village. Due to the strength
of her feelings for her brother, Sora goes to great lengths to seduce Haru, and
get him to spend more time with her.
Nao Yorihime (依媛 奈緒 Yorihime
Beautiful, intelligent and an excellent swimmer, Nao is
Haruka's next-door neighbour and childhood friend. When the Kasugano twins last
visited the area, their departure was particularly painful for Nao, who had
grown quite close to Haruka, to the point of having sex with him on one
occasion, about which she feels guilty. Upon their return, she attempts to
rekindle their former close relationship. Nao’s compassion and maturity
projects a sense of sisterly love towards others, though for Haruka there is a
deeper and more intimately sensual feeling. Sora harbors great resentment for
Nao and her over-too-familiar attitude towards her brother.
Akira Amatsume (天女目 瑛 Amatsume
She shares the same father of Kazuha, though Kazuha's mother
does not like this, eventually convincing their father to disown her. Akira’s
energetic liveliness is contagious to those around her, with an innocent
personality that makes befriending the girl second nature. Due to her
residence, Akira spends much of her time practicing the habits and traditions
of a miko (shrine
maiden), including performance of requisite ceremonies and holiday festivals.
She also devotes a lot of her time to helping the elderly in the village,
making her beloved by all.
Kazuha Migiwa (渚 一葉 Migiwa
The stunningly beautiful daughter of an influential magnate,
Kazuha lives a cultured life that could be compared to that of a modern
princesses. Sharp-minded and attentive to detail as a result of her parents'
constant travels and long-distance liaisons, she learned from a young age to
behave responsibly, as befitting her social standing. Nevertheless, Kazuha does
not consider herself superior to others, and doesn't hesitate to lend a helping
hand whenever asked. Kazuha is an experienced viola player, yet she shies away from playing in competitions,
preferring to play only for those she cares for. She dotes on Akira constantly
and worries excessively for her well-being, and this leads some to speculation
that they may be romantically involved, though in the manga, it is revealed
that they are half-sisters, referring to Akira as " Onee-chan".
Motoka Nogisaka (乃木坂 初佳 Nogisaka
Motoka is a college student struggling to make ends meet,
working as a maid in the Migiwa Household to pay for her tuition expenses.
While not ideally suited for household chores, her warm compassion and
captivating personality offset these deficiencies. She is best friends with
Ifukube Yahiro, a notoriously heavy drinker, which makes Motoka’s low tolerance
to alcohol a particularly hazardous social issue, especially since she has a
particular fondness for the taste of sake. She is the star of the anime's omake
bonus feature, in which she entertains people with her skilled impressions of
other characters, and eventually falls in love with Haruka, despite his being
significantly younger than her.
Chairman of the Student Body, a position of serious responsibility
and important functions, Kozue is often seen as a stick in the mud by her
peers. She nevertheless cares for them, only nagging to mitigate the potential
community damage. This often proves to be a full time job however. She is the
one who later catches the twins having sex. In the anime, she admits having had
a crush on Haruka, and Nao is also there when she discovers the twins making
forbidden love. While everyone accepts the twins relationship at the end, she
still disagrees because she feels that it is wrong.
Best friend to Nogisaka Motoka and proprietor of a family
owned candy store, the rouge looking Yahiro would prefer spending her time
sleeping and drinking. In truth, the ill tempered and sardonic mannerisms hide
Yahiro’s true personality: a woman whose past is a field littered with the
shattered glass of lost dreams, forgotten promises, and broken romances. In the
anime, she is protective of Akira.
For all his faults and freakish behavior, Ryouhei is the
kind of person you can always count on, in spite of being a self-confessed
idiot. Carefree and spontaneous, he brands himself as the ultimate ladies man,
applying cheesy pickup lines whenever a pretty face draws near. Yet when the
situation calls for it, Ryouhei can offer profoundly sound advice, with an eye
that quickly identifies the root of a problem. In the anime, he constantly
attempts to flirt with Sora and was Nao's childhood friend.
- Illustrations by: Takashi Hashimoto, Hiro Suzuhira
- Script by: Yukiji Tachikaze, Seiri Asakura
- Music by: Manack
The game was originally released for
Windows PC on December 5, 2008.[1]
A sequel/fan disk titled Haruka na Sora was released later on October
24, 2009 which contains full scenarios for Kozue and Yahiro, an expansion to
Sora's story from the original game, and additional bonus material.[2]
Yosuga no Sora was adapted into a 12-episode anime series that started
airing on October 4, 2010. Each episode consists of a 22-minute feature segment
and a 3-minute omake segment.
The main plot of the anime is presented in a multi-arc branching format that
independently tells the stories of Kazuha, Akira, Nao, and Sora while sharing
certain common episodes. The title of each episode incorporates the names of
the characters it concerns. The bonus segment focuses on Motoka's story,
relying more extensively on humor and super deformed
character designs. Each segment has its own ending credit sequence in each
The first volume of the series was
released by King Records for DVD and Blu-ray Disc
formats on December 22, 2010, and the final fourth volume was released on March
26, 2011 with a limited edition Blu-ray Disc, including the stuffed toy
strap of Sora Kasugano.[4]
list (Main Feature)
(In brackets are the episode numbers
for each arc, e.g. (A3) is the third episode in Akira's arc. Legend: A-Akira,
K-Kazuha, N-Nao, S-Sora.)
The arcs' episodes presented in order are: K:1-4; A:1-2,5-6;
N:1,7-9; S:1,7,10-12
air date
"Distant Memories"
"Haruka na Kioku" (ハルカナキオク) |
4, 2010
After the sudden death of their
parents, Haruka and his twin sister Sora move to the house formerly inhabited
by their late grandfather, in a small village they often visited as children.
There, Haruka encounters several of the residents, some of whom are old
friends, but Sora stays at home, refusing to go to school even as Haruka
starts attending. Realizing that Haruka is growing more and more distant and
slipping from her grasp, Sora goes to Haruka's room at night and appeals to
Haruka as she removes her clothes...
"Akira Embarrassed"
"Akira Hazukashi" (アキラハズカシ) |
11, 2010
Sora asks Haru to take her
measurements so she can have a uniform made, and finally starts attending
school with Haruka, though she is disappointed to find that she and Haruka
are in different classes. While cleaning the swimming pool as part of a mixed
gym, Akira accidentally soaks Kazuha who forgot her swimsuit, and so Akira
takes her to dry off. Haruka finds Kazuha's phone and goes to return it, only
to overhear a sensual-sounding conversation in which Kazuha addresses Akira
as "Onee-chan" (big sister).
"Tsukazu Hanarezu" (ツカズハナレズ) |
18, 2010
When Kazuha realizes that Haruka
has overheard their conversation, she chases him down to clear up any
misunderstanding. She reveals that Akira is, in fact, her illegitimate older
sister, born of a different mother. Due to her family's societal standing,
Kazuha's father is not able to acknowledge Akira as his daughter, causing
Kazuha to be resentful of her father and to feel a burden of guilt and responsibility
towards the always-hard-working Akira. To help lift Kazuha's spirits, Haruka
invites her out on a date, and they subsequently realize and admit their
rapidly-progressing feelings towards each other. Meanwhile, Akira continues
to try her best on her own, but collapses, apparently due to
"Haruka's Heart"
"Harukazu Hāto" (ハルカズハート) |
25, 2010
On their way home from school,
Haruka and Kazuha are interrupted by a frantic Yahiro, who is concerned over
the non-appearance of the always-responsible Akira as usual. They discover
Akira at her home, collapsed due to exhaustion, and Kazuha proceeds to blame
herself and her infatuation with Haruka for not noticing Akira's condition.
Akira recovers a few days later, but confronts Kazuha about her abandonment
of Haruka and the inappropriate sense of guilt she feels regarding their
father's actions. Realizing the truth of Akira's words, Kazuha withdraws into
a state of depression while struggling to determine what to do. The day of
the festival arrives, and Kazuha works up the courage to appear, where she is
reunited with Haruka. Haruka informs Kazuha that her father had been
supporting Akira financially in secret all this time and, when Kazuha
witnesses her father praising Akira, she realizes that she had misjudged him.
Thus, she was able to move past her codependency towards Akira and pursue a
whole-hearted romantic relationship with Haruka.
"Darkness Revealed"
"Yami Akiraka ni" (ヤミアキラカニ) |
1, 2010
The Introduction to this episode
replays the event where Haruka was standing near the girls locker room,
overhearing Akira's and Kazuha's conversation, but this time, instead of
walking away mislead, Akira comes out and takes the phone from Haruka. This
allows for the story to have an alternative ending. Haruka notices that Akira
has been acting strange lately, and decides to talk to her alone at school
the next morning. He sees the sad look on Akira's face and becomes worried,
and wants to help Akira find her mother's pendant (after remembering her
losing it as a child). They go in search for the pendant by a tree they would
play by as kids, only to Haruka's horror that the tree had been removed by a
landslide. He attempts at digging around for it, but without any luck. The
two go to Akira's residence to take a bath, and have a romantic moment
together. From there, Haruka goes to the festival, and, after seeing Akira
cry while dancing the sacred dance, rushes off to see what had
"I Won't Give Up"
"Akiramenai yo" (アキラメナイヨ) |
8, 2010
Haruka enters Akira's room and
stops her from burning something, which is her mother's missing journal,
where it is written that Kazuha and Akira has a chance of mistaken identity.
With the journal, he suggests to Yahiro and Kazuha a DNA test to prove things
once and for all. Yahiro refuses, but, despite disapproval from her mother,
Kazuha agrees. Haruka informs Akira at the shrine the next day that the DNA
results will be out in five days, but Akira disappears on the fifth day.
Haruka finds her at the train station, where they talk until the evening.
When the DNA results arrive that night, Kazuha and Sora delivers it to Akira,
who is still at the station, but she buckled, too scared to read it. It is
then that Kazuha's mother appears, and tells everything at their home, where
Akira is shown the lost pendant, returned to her by someone who found it at
the mountains, basing on the name engraved on its back. She reveals that she
and Akira's mother had shared the same hospital room, and, one day Akira
pulled the pendant off of her neck as Mrs. Migiwa held her in her arms. After
hearing that Akira's mother had died, she gave the pendant to her to make her
feel, at least, the presence of a mother. Akira then reads the DNA results,
and it read negative, which means Akira is born of a different mother. There,
Kazuha's mother let her keep the pendant, and apologizes to Akira. She later
confesses her love for Haruka and vice-versa.
"Sinful Maidens"
"Tsumi na Otomera" (ツミナオトメラ) |
15, 2010
This episode replays the event
where Sora asks Haru to take her measurements so she can have a uniform made.
The next day Nao comes over to bring Haruka some mosquito repellent, since
Sora is scared of mosquitoes, and then leaves almost immediately. The next
day Ryouhei invites Haruka to the school rooftop to take a peek at the girls
cleaning the pool. Haruka warns Ryouhei, though, not to peek at Nao, and
leaves. Much later Ryouhei tells Nao that Haruka, “the prince she has been
waiting for,” has a crush on her; but she thinks he does not like her. The
truth is that something happened between the two many summers ago: Nao,
trying to escape the noise of her arguing parents, ran to Haruka's house. At
that time Haruka was sleeping at their veranda, and was surprised to see Nao
on top of him with her clothes undone. Until now Nao feels guilty for what
she did. However, Ryouhei, even Akira and Kazuha, is into the act of bringing
Haruka and Nao together. They did so by making the two meet at school pool on
a Sunday. When they were changing after the swimming lesson, Haruka rushes
into the girls' locker room when Nao was scared by a black cat inside a box. The
school supervisor hears their chatter, but the two were able to hide inside a
box before he catches them. Thinking it was just the cat, he leaves. There,
Nao gets to know that Haruka does not hate her, only that he was just
surprised at the events of that summer day, dispelling her assumptions.
Meanwhile, Sora shows her hatred of Nao, whom she thinks is the reason why
Haruka has been preoccupied the past couple of days, at home on her
"Darkened Sky"
"Nao Kuraki Sora" (ナオクラキソラ) |
22, 2010
By now Sora is showing her hatred
of Nao in the open, even in front of Ryohei and Nao herself. One afternoon
Sora, attracted by the smell of curry cooking in the kitchen, catches Haruka
and Nao making love in the living room. Sora throws Nao out of the house,
warning her not to see Haruka ever again, since it is the second time she
catches the two doing the "dirty deed." She then throws the curry
they cooked down the drain, as she only wants Haruka's cooking. Nao is
desolate after that, and though she wants to see Haruka, she has to hide
because Sora is always nearby. However, Haruka is always optimistic Sora will
forgive and accept them both, as he, after knowing from Ryouhei that she
changed, wants Nao to return to being a cheerful, caring, and lighthearted
person. Sora lightens up a bit to the sight of Haruka and Nao being together,
but still has some resistance, and prefers to distance herself from the two.
It is for this reason that she never joined Haruka and Nao along with
Ryouhei, Kazuha, Akira, and Motoka for the annual summer trip to the
"Distant Feelings"
"Haruka na Omoi" (ハルカナオモイ) |
29, 2010
Sora decides to follow everyone at
the beach, but at the moment she got off the bus, she heard news of a young
man that was rescued from drowning unconscious. As Sora looks over, she finds
out that the boy in question is Haruka. However, Nao acted quickly and
performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. With that event, Sora becomes even
more insecure, eventually telling Haruka not to leave home and tells all
sorts of excuses just to make him stay. One day, Sora made Haruka choose
between her and Nao, but he just shrugs it off and proceeds to school with
Nao as if nothing is wrong. That afternoon Haruka finds Sora missing after
receiving a text from her saying "Let's leave here." Akira, Kazuha,
and Ryouhei joins Nao and Haruka in search of her, until, amidst the rain,
Nao finds Sora at the bus stop. Refusing to go with Nao, Sora runs out of the
bus stop, angrily telling her that she is the reason why Haruka has changed.
Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes the bus stop and burst into flames.
Sora then remembers she forgot her stuffed bunny inside. Nao rushes in to
retrieve the only memento Sora has of her mother, causing her to be nearly
trapped inside. After receiving the rescued item, Sora reveals to Nao her
insecurities with her, that she is afraid Haruka would leave her alone. The
next night, Sora joins everyone during the Summer Festival at the shrine.
This time, Sora is more receptive of Nao.
"As for a Bird's Faked
"Tori no Sorane wa" (トリノソラネハ) |
6, 2010
This episode replays to the event
where Haruka is trying to talk to Sora about his relationship with Nao, but
this time Sora is always at the back of his mind, since, lately, she seems
not to accept Nao, and that she seems to be teasing him. Haruka suggests a
date with Nao, but cannot get to tell Sora about it, even disguising it as if
he will be spending time with Ryouhei. During the date, though, Nao notices
that Sora is never far from Haruka’s mind, him buying things for his sister
rather than for her, and eventually spoiling their date. They plan to make
croquette curry upon arriving home, but is canceled when Haruka finds Sora
not feeling well in her room after having a bad dream. The next day Nao
notices that Haruka tries to hide his date with her from Sora, but she just
went along. One night, Haruka catches Sora masturbating in her room while
mentioning his name, much to his dismay—she is enamored with him ever since
that one summer day in their childhood when Haruka kissed Sora while
"The Uncertain Pair"
"Sorameku Futari" (ソラメクフタリ) |
13, 2010
Haruka takes Nao on a date again,
but he cannot shake the sight of Sora masturbating that night off from his
mind. Eventually Haruka hits his limit and tries to get rid of those thoughts
by taking Nao to a love hotel, but she rejects his act and asks if he really
loves her. Haruka is unable to answer and returns home. Soon after, Sora gets
a fever and Haruka stays home to take care of her. That evening, Sora, with
her fever subsided, confesses her feelings to Haruka and the two make love,
beginning a relationship. This did not go unnoticed, as everyone, especially
Kozue and Nao, begins to see the twins spend more and more time with each
other. One afternoon, when Kozue and Nao decide to visit the Kasugano
residence, they catch the twins in the middle of making love.
"To the Distant Sky"
"Haruka na Sora e" (ハルカナソラヘ) |
20, 2010
Kozue runs away in shock at the
sight of the twins making love, while Nao calmly left the scene, but Sora
wouldn't even care. Haruka thinks of ditching school, but she tells him to
think little of it. Kozue tells him the next day that she'll never talk to him
again, while Nao effectively ends her relationship with him after his
apology. That night Haruka fights with Sora when he tells her that they stop
doing it, even inadvertently hitting her. Things get complicated when they
find out that their parents left no money for the two, and in order to
survive they have to be taken under custody of their relatives, but this
means them living apart. That afternoon Haruka awakens to find Sora missing
and her room in a mess. He goes looking for her after receiving a text from
Sora which sounds like a suicide note.
Nao even helps him in looking for her everywhere, mentioning to him about her
confrontation with Sora, saying she has seen the two making love that summer
day, and that "now they are even." Haruka then remembered the lake
Akira mentioned the other day. Haruka finds Sora, and his attempt to stop her
from going deeper in to the lake nearly ends in them drowning. Days later the
two leave the place to live together overseas in the city where an artisan
who had connections with their parents lived, hoping to find happiness
elsewhere. Even though Kozue is unwilling to accept them, Nao believes they
will do just fine.
The game release of Yosuga no
Sora was supplemented by several drama CDs made available to pre-ordering
customers at select Japanese retailers.
Yosuga no Sora was adapted into a manga of the same title, serialized
since the May issue of Kadokawa Shoten's
Comp Ace
The OST for the original game, with
music composed by Manack, was released by Sphere on 27 February 2009.
The OST for the anime adaptation,
with music composed by Manabu Miwa (Manack) and Bruno Wen-li, consists of both
new compositions and newly-arranged versions of tracks from the original game.
It was released on two CDs, subtitled "Arrange" and "New",
accompanying the Japanese Blu-ray Disc
release of the anime with volumes 1 and 3 respectively.
Japanese: ヨスガノソラ In solitude, where we are least alone.
Type: TV
Episodes: 12
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Oct 4, 2010 to Dec 20, 2010
Duration: 25 min. per episode
Rating: R+ - Mild Nudity
represents licensing company
Score: 6.941 (scored by 26798 users)
Ranked: #30712
Popularity: #255
Members: 46,626
Favorites: 353
1 indicates a weighted score
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